Posts Tagged ‘Missoula Real Estate’

Missoula Seeing Spring Thaw in Real Estate!

While spending is still more responsible than it was prior to the crash, consumers are beginning to feel more confident in their financial security. Folks are shopping, and eating out, and even looking for upg... more

Putting Down Roots

Recently, some have suggested that home ownership is detrimental to families because it makes homeowners less mobile and hinders their ability to move for a new job. Not true.... more

Can You Feel the Buzz?

Perhaps it is the chill in the air, the sunshine, or the wrap up of holiday’s spent with families and loved ones, but members of the Missoula community are experiencing an unmistakable buzz in the air.... more

All Real Estate is Local – Even in Montana

We’ve all heard the national news about housing prices plummeting and foreclosure rates soaring. Fortunately, in most of Montana, we have come through without the astounding foreclosure rates and falling home... more