The Story Behind the "M"

The "M" is 620 feet above the Missoula Valley floor. It is 125' feet long and 100' feet wide. University of Montana forestry students cut the switchbacks into the side of the hill in the early 1900's. The first "M" was assembled out of whitewashed rocks in 1909, and given a fresh coat of paint by freshmen every year, until 1968, when all those rocks were cemented together with concrete.

Photo by Nelson Kenter,

Posts Tagged ‘Family’

Celebration Sensation: Top 7 Hacks for Hosting a Memorable Bash

Hosting a memorable bash is quite a challenge and does need a bit of thinking and planning. Here are some things to consider:... more

Why Seeking Legal Advice is Essential in a Divorce

Here are some reasons why legal help is very necessary while going through a divorce.... more

Why Organized Family Shopping Saves Time and Money

Here are some practical solutions for making the most out of your family's shopping excursions.... more

How to Cultivate Growth and Success at Every Stage of Life

In this blog, we'll explore strategies for cultivating growth and success at every stage of life.... more

Breaking Down the How: Understanding the IVF Procedure

This guide will break down the "how" of IVF, offering insights into the step-by-step process and the science behind it.... more

How to Make Memories: Fun and Easy Family Bonding Ideas

Here are some some fun and easy ideas to bond with your family and make good memories.... more

3 Common Challenges in Child Adoption and How You Can Solve Them

Want to adopt a child? There’s a lot to know and prepare for. Here are some common challenges in child adoption and how you can solve them.... more

Essential Advice to Keep Your Family Happy

There are ways you can keep your family happier without too much stress and effort, which is beneficial for all. Here are a few:... more

4 Helpful Tips On How To Choose Your Next Family Car

Follow this guide right now to find the best car for your family.... more

What Immediate Expenses New Parents Need to Think About

Here are some immediate expenses that you need to consider if you're having a baby. ... more

Family Disputes That Will Need Mediation

Here are the most common issues where mediation is needed:... more

30 Day Declutter Challenge

By ERIN TURNER- February is my month for some serious decluttering--but doing a whole house can be overwhelming. So why not break it down by room?... more

Inexpensive Trick for Fresh New Holiday Decor

By ERIN TURNER-I’ve discovered a new little trick for giving my décor some new life while not spending very much money.... more

The Birth of a Pumpkin Patch

By ERIN TURNER - What began 7 years ago out of frustration and desperation has turned into an incredible experience and a blessing for our family...The Turner Farms' Pumpkin Patch. ... more

Managing Screen Time For Kids

By ERIN TURNER - The tech world is here and it’s going to stay--despite thoughts from parents that it might just be passing fad. So how do you manage electronic devices for kids?... more

The Great Debate: School Bedtime During the Summer

By ERIN TURNER-There's a debate amongst parents about how to handle the last days of summer with their school aged children. What time is bed time?... more

Beat The Heat Roll-Up Snack

By ERIN TURNER - We had friends visiting and their son has Juvenile Diabetes so I wanted to be sure I had appropriate food and snacks for him. Here's one that fits the bill and beats the heat:... more

Somewhere Beyond Lewistown

By ERIN TURNER - Somewhere beyond Lewistown, MT is the heart of “Nowhere” in a quaint little town called Winnett, Montana.... more

Celebrating Fathers: A Tradition Started at the YMCA

Did you know that the first Father's Day celebration was on June 19, 1910 and started at the Spokane, Washington YMCA?... more

Broadway Star Eden Espinosa Presents a Benefit Performance for MCT’s Next Step Prep

On Wednesday, July 1, 2015, the sound of Broadway will come to the MCT Center for the Performing Arts as MCT’s Next Step Prep presents Eden Espinosa – Live in Concert.... more

Saving Money on Your Summer Vacation

By ERIN TURNER - Here are some tips for making lifelong memories on your summer vacation without breaking the bank.... more

Organizing Gift Cards in a Binder

By ERIN TURNER - I love gift cards, but I hate when I unexpectedly find myself in a restaurant and realize I've left the gift card for that restaurant at home in the drawer. ... more

Recipes to Celebrate Cinco de Mayo

By ERIN TURNER - Despite not having a drop of Mexican heritage in my blood, I still love celebrating Cinco De Mayo. Here are 5 of my favorite Cinco de Mayo recipes.... more

Frugal and Delicious: Homemade Refried Beans

By ERIN TURNER - With Cinco de Mayo right around the corner, why not some try my recipe for simple, delicious, homemade refried beans. ... more

How To Save Money While Stocking Your Pantry

By ERIN TURNER - People ask us all the time for advice on how to stock up on essential pantry items. They assume we have a Costco membership and buy everything in bulk.... more

The Missoula YMCA Hosts Healthy Kids Day, Saturday April 11

The Missoula YMCA encourages kids and their families to come to the Y for Healthy Kids Day--this Saturday, April 11, from 9 a.m. to noon. ... more

Kid Approved, Homemade Cheese Crackers Recipe

By ERIN TURNER - In today's world of overly processed food, I love showing the kids how to make homemade and healthy snacks. Here's my recipe for homemade Cheese-Its Crackers.... more

Celebrating St. Paddy’s Day with Homemade Irish Pasties

By ERIN TURNER- As the great granddaughter of an Irish immigrant, I have to admit my own love of Irish Pasties. It is the perfect meal…meat, potatoes all wrapped up in a flaky crust. ... more

Frugal Gardening Tips

By ERIN TURNER-Planting a garden is one of the best frugal methods of saving money. For just a few dollars, you can raise entire bed of produce which would cost you hundreds in the grocery store. ... more

Another Successful Pantry Challenge

By ERIN TURNER-It’s March. What's that mean? If you ask most, they'll say "March Madness" or St. Paddy's Day. If you ask our boys, they'll exclaim it's the "end of the pantry challenge". YEEHAW!... more

The Best Way to Clean a Kitchen Sink

By ERIN TURNER-My kitchen sink is a work horse. It takes a beating almost every day. So I rely on a super dependable, result-guaranteed method of cleaning my porcelain sink.... more

DIY Pantry: Homemade Condiments are Healthy and Frugal

By ERIN TURNER- I recently taught a class called “Homemade Instead” where we talked about making things at home instead of purchasing them commercially--including condiments.... more

Soup: The Frugal Friendly Meal

By ERIN TURNER- Soup is one of those dishes which I don’t think receives enough credit. It's easy, frugal, freezes well and is nutritious. And, it's perfect for the pantry challenge.... more

Benefits of a Pantry Challenge

By ERIN TURNER- If the idea of cleaning up and eating up your pantry appeals to you then you are ready for a Pantry Challenge! ... more

Winter Carnival and Snow Races at Marshall Mountain

Join Missoula Parks & Rec for the first annual Marshall Mountain Winter Carnival and Snowshoe/Ski Races on Sat., Feb. 22 at Marshall Mountain, from 10-4 p.m.... more

Frugal Diamond Ring Cleaner

By ERIN TURNER- Here is a quick, easy and frugal way to clean diamond rings at home!... more

Restoring Household Order

By ERIN TURNER- This last week I spent packing up the Christmas decorations, cleaning the house after all the holiday parties and of course, hitting all the after Christmas clearance sales.... more

Couponing in 2015

By ERIN TURNER- While I still am passionate about saving money and getting the very best deal available, how I save money looks different than it did 5 years ago. ... more

After Christmas Savings Ideas

By ERIN TURNER- Afraid you've missed all post-Christmas sales? Not to worry. There are still many good sales opportunities and over the next two weeks the sales will get better and better.... more

Roundup of Christmas Savings Ideas

By ERIN TURNER- I’ve compiled a list of various blogs/websites which provide some fantastic ideas on how to be frugal while still getting the most out of the holidays! ... more

Simple Homemade Caramel Sauce

By ERIN TURNER- Every Christmas I like to make homemade gifts for family and friends. This year I am excited to be making up batches of Homemade Caramel Sauce. It's Heavenly!... more

New Money Saving App–FAVADO!

By ERIN TURNER- I recently discovered FAVADO--an app that can save you both TIME and MONEY--and just in time for the holiday shopping season! ... more

The Mothers’ Milk Bank of Montana is Critically Low on Donor Milk

To all the nursing mothers: the Mothers’ Milk Bank of Montana is critically low on donor milk. We are looking for mothers who have extra milk to be used to help premature and sick infants thrive. ... more

Homemade Buttermilk Ranch Dressing Recipe

By ERIN TURNER- If you have kids, then you know that Ranch Dip has far surpassed ketchup in the world of condiments. Here's my recipe for Homemade Buttermilk Ranch Dressing.... more

Reconditioning and Re-Purposing Old Shoes

By ERIN TURNER- Imagine my delight recently when I discovered this adorable pair of Converse tennis shoes in my son’s size at a Missoula Thrift Store. I paid $3 bucks, and check em out!... more

Homesteading Basics: How to Make Your Own Lard

By ERIN TURNER- Thinking about adding lard to your baking regimen? Consider making your own. With the help of a crockpot, it's super easy and it's perfect for melt-in-your-mouth pie crusts, cookies, and and mor... more

Early Preparation for Christmas is the key to Savings

By ERIN TURNER- There are only EIGHT Saturdays left before Christmas? Take a deep breath and relax because if you start your planning now, you’ll be the most relaxed, calm person come December!... more

What Are You Cookin’ up for Crocktober Fest?

By ERIN TURNER- Time to pull out the crockpot for 'CROCKTOBER Fest'. Cooking in a crockpot offers the benefits of convenience and ease. Here are a couple of 'must make' crockpot recipes. ... more

Harvest Season Means Savings

By ERIN TURNER-I dedicate this week’s blog to this beautiful season we call “The Harvest”. Anyone who claims they are frugal loves this season. This is what we frugalites live for--ABUNDANCE!... more

Ice Cube Trays–a Frugal Gadget for Every Kitchen

By ERIN TURNER-Ever wonder what to do with leftover wine, buttermilk and other liquid items? Hate the thought of throwing them out? HELLO ice cube trays. It's a no-brainer and frugal way to save!... more