The Story Behind the "M"

The "M" is 620 feet above the Missoula Valley floor. It is 125' feet long and 100' feet wide. University of Montana forestry students cut the switchbacks into the side of the hill in the early 1900's. The first "M" was assembled out of whitewashed rocks in 1909, and given a fresh coat of paint by freshmen every year, until 1968, when all those rocks were cemented together with concrete.

Photo by Nelson Kenter,

Posts Tagged ‘entrepreneurship’

Exploring Business Funding Sources: Grants, Loans, and Angel Investors

Here’s what you need to know about grants, loans, and angel investors. ... more

The Benefits Of Custom Restaurant Furniture: How To Stand Out From The Crowd

In this article, we'll explore the benefits of custom restaurant furniture, and how it can help make your business stand out from the crowd.... more

5 Tips for Growing a Successful Business

Here are five tips to help you grow a successful business.... more

8 Ways Outsourcing Can Improve Business Efficiency

If you're on the fence about whether or not to outsource, this article will discuss the benefits in detail and show you how it can help your business grow.... more

Retention Strategies to Prevent Employee Turnover

Implementing some retention strategies can help your workforce become more competitive and reduce turnover, which will save money in the long run.... more

Problem Solving Tips for Your Business

Whether you own your own business or you are rising through the ranks at someone else's company, problem solving is one of the most valuable skills you can develop.... more

5 Tips for Starting Your Own Brewery in Montana

If you are considering starting your own brewery in Montana, here are a few tips to guide you before you get started:... more

Top 5 Fleet Maintenance Tips You Should Know

Here are the top five fleet maintenance tips you should know: ... more

7 Passive Income tips to consider in 2022

Below are 7 tips on the best way to build a passive income stream.... more

5 Tips to Find the Right Side Hustle

How do you find the right side hustle? You need to consider your interests and skills when searching for a second job.... more

How to Use Promotions to Give Your Online Business a Boost

Here are some things you can do to give your online business a boost. ... more

How to Protect Your Privacy as a Home Business Owner

Starting a home business can be an ideal way to get more flexibility and be in charge of your own life. But consider these tips:... more

3 Smart Ways to Protect Your Family’s Financial Future

Regardless of your background and experience, having a side hustle is a great way to protect your family and bring in significant money for investing over time.... more

How New Businesses Can Improve Their Online Presence

There are several things that even the smallest startups can do to improve their online presence. Here are some of them.... more

Most Lucrative Online Industries for Remote Workers in Missoula

If you are looking to change your profession or are just starting out in your career, it helps to know where the most employment opportunities lie.... more

How to Master Networking For Your Business

Here are some tips to master networking for your business:... more

Find Out How TeamSense Can Solve Your Attendance Management Problems

Attendance management of a team has always been a challenge for HR. Here's how TeamSense can help:... more

4 Elements That Makes Montana a Prime State to Start a Business

If Montana is on your list of possible places to incorporate your startup, check out these four elements that make it a prime location to do so. ... more

Tips to Build Wealth

It’s a common misconception that the only way to build wealth is to earn a high salary or win the lottery. Here are some other ways:... more

How to Wear Loungewear Without Looking Lazy

Why not give your ensemble a new-normal reboot? The loungewear revolution is waiting for you. Learn more about it. ... more

How to Keep Your Entire Team Accountable

One out of two managers struggle with instilling accountability in their employees. Here are several ways to help you hold your entire team accountable for their work.... more

The Pros and Cons of Screen Recording

Screen recording software helps people to visualize their thoughts and ideas on the computer screen and share them with others. Here are some pros and cons to different programs:... more

Tips For Medical Practices: How You Can Benefit From Outsourcing

Here are some of the ways that your organization can benefit from outsourcing.... more

What Entrepreneurs Must Know About Surety Bonds

In this article, we will explain all you need to know about surety bonds. You will learn how they work, where to get one, and what costs to expect.... more

How to Save Money as a Fleet

If you own a fleet of vehicles, here are some tips on how to lower your operating costs, you can increase profits.... more

5 Tech Tips Every Content Creator Should Follow

Are you a contebt provider? Does your content inspire action? Does it inspire readers to click-through onto other parts of your website? Here are some tips to consider: ... more

Steps to Take Before Starting a Cannabis Business

It can be hard to navigate this field as a new business in the cannabis industry so use this article to learn as much as possible.... more

Company Incorporation Process in SG: A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide

Incorporating your company in Singapore may be one of the most rewarding steps you ever take. Learn more:... more

7 Entrepreneurial Skills You Should Master Before Graduation

Why do students need entrepreneurial skills and which ones are the most important? Read on to learn more. ... more

Benefits of forming an LLC in Montana

You live in Montana and want to form an LLC to run a business or own property. Here are some things to know:... more

5 ‘Must-Haves’ of a Really Good Negotiation Training Course

Here is a succinct list of skills that are a must for a good negotiator and should be taught obligatorily.... more

Top Strategies to Grow Your Business Fast

There's no sure-fire recipe for instant success, but you can boost your business's growth with these strategies... more

The History of Montana’s Gold Mining Industry

In order to understand the history of Montana's gold mining industry, it's crucial to look back at where it all began:... more

How To Properly Set Up A Shopify Store

Shopify provides one of the easiest ways of setting up an online store, allowing you to create your shop, add your products, and manage the shop for a reasonable monthly fee.... more

Choosing the Right Plan for Cloud Storage

With cloud storage, businesses can enjoy a host of benefits including a higher level of security, peace of mind, the ability to save money on onsite equipment and security, and much more.... more

Reasons Why You Might Want to Invest in a 3D Printer

Here's why you should invest in a 3D printer today. Ready? Let's get started.... more

Making The Most Of The Vegan Scene In Missoula

Whether you're a born and bred Missoulian or you've just moved to the area, how can you make the most of your vegan experience?... more

Amazingly Simple Ideas You Can Use To Market Your Business Better

Follow these simple ideas to start promoting your business to potential clients.... more

Can A VR Headset Improve Productivity?

Virtual Reality (VR) headsets are the latest must-have product. Many firms have taken to giving them out to help boost job satisfaction and productivity during this pandemic. ... more

5 Ways Businesses Can Build Trust With Customers

If you want to build trust with customers, you need to be doing these things.... more

5 Tips to Turn Your Hobby into a Business

Thinking of turning your hobby into a business? Keep reading to find out how to make this a reality.... more

Essential Tips Every Company Must Remember To Ace That Upcoming Compliance Audit

These are six essential tips to prepare for an upcoming compliance audit, so they can go back to focusing on the regular day-to-day operations. ... more

4 Efficient Ways to Grow Your Business

Here are the top 4 ways that will help you grow your business efficiently.... more

How You Can Make Money Online With Paid Surveys

When it comes to making money online, there are a ton of different options and routes you can take. Here is how you can make money online with paid surveys.... more

Everything You Need to Know About Becoming a Successful Stock Market Trader

Here is all you need to know about becoming a successful stock market trader.... more

10 Successful Business Ideas for Students in 2021

You too can launch a business as a student in 2021 and reap its benefits long after you’ve graduated.... more

Low Cost Ways to Grow Your Small Business

Not everything about starting and doing business is all that simple as only 50% of the businesses live to see their sixth year and only about 30% live until the 10-year mark.... more

How To Deliver Items for Fun And Profit

Here are a few tips for deliverers on how to make their jobs easier and earn a little bit of extra cash. ... more

Want to Properly Manage Your Business Finances? Here’s What to Do

Here are some smart ways to handle your business finances.... more

How to Write a Startup Business Plan

Launching a business of your own is a great step forward for your personal and professional development. However, doing so without a concrete business plan will often end in failure.... more