The Story Behind the "M"

The "M" is 620 feet above the Missoula Valley floor. It is 125' feet long and 100' feet wide. University of Montana forestry students cut the switchbacks into the side of the hill in the early 1900's. The first "M" was assembled out of whitewashed rocks in 1909, and given a fresh coat of paint by freshmen every year, until 1968, when all those rocks were cemented together with concrete.

Photo by Nelson Kenter,

Posts Tagged ‘DIY projects’

How To Deal With Your Car’s Dents And Scratches

Here are some tips for dealing with dents and scratches on your car.... more

Planning Your Dream Space? Here Is What You Need to Check

Before you begin making the plans for your haven, there are few things to consider to ensure your dreams become reality.... more

How To Make Sure Your Next Piece Of Jewelry Is Planet Friendly

If you want to make sure that the next piece of jewelery is eco-friendly, then here are some tips that will help you learn more about this topic.... more

Eradicating Rats: Should You DIY Or Hire A Professional?

A pest infestation can close businesses and put people’s livelihoods on the line. So, should you tackle the problem yourself or hire a professional?... more

The Major Benefits of Installing an Inground Sprinkler System

Having an attractive landscape is something that all homeowners want. Still, the primary hindrance that stands in their way is the maintenance that comes with it.... more

Important Considerations When Designing Your Dream Deck At Home

Many factors go into making something like a deck for your house, and some of it can make or break the whole project.... more

Effective Tips That Will Help You Restore An Old and Broken-Down House

Restoring an old home should not be such a tedious task provided the owners of the house do their research properly.... more

How to Improve Your Motorcycle Performance

Enjoy a high-performance ride with minimal spending when you dive into your options carefully. Here are a few nifty tricks to improve your overall motorcycle performance.... more

The Most Common Reasons For Your Roof To Get Damaged And What To Do About Them

With so many things to be considered, a roof should not be treated haphazardly. Here are some common reasons why your roof gets damaged and what you can do about them. ... more

Everything You Wanted to Know About Solar Panels

If you’ve recently been considering the switch to solar energy, welcome to the club. Here's everything you need to know. ... more

How Do You Know if Water in Your House is Safe?

If you suspect that your tap water is not safe for use, here’s what you need to look out for. ... more

Doing a Bathroom Renovation? Here’s Why You Need to Hire a Professional

Here's why you need to hire a professional when doing a bathroom renovation. Understand the benefits of hiring a professional over doing the project yourself.... more

How to Make Your Bedroom Look Bigger

It is helpful for those with small bedrooms to be aware of a few tips and tricks that they can use to make their space both look and feel much bigger.... more

How To Ensure a Proper Installation of Your Septic Tank

Here's some important stuff that you have to keep in mind to make sure that your septic tank is installed correctly! ... more

Avoid Problems in Your Home with Basement Waterproofing

If you live in a home with a basement, you need to ensure you take steps to keep it well maintained and in a good state of repair. This includes finding the right basement waterproofing solution.... more

How To Make Your Tiny House Look and Feel More Spacious

There are things we can do to make a tiny house look bigger and more spacious. It all comes down to creativity and understanding of a few basic principles of interior design.... more

Why You Need a Soundbar in Your Home

Here are the reasons for which you should buy a soundbar for your home:... more

The Top Roof Materials That Can Withstand Harsh Weather

When it comes to roofs and choosing materials for them, there are quite a few things that you need to consider before opting for a certain one. ... more

Having Pest Problems At Home? Here Are Some Simple Solutions To Help You

Here are some key points to consider when dealing with potential pest problems.... more

Hardwood Floor Care and Maintenance Tips From the Pros

Here are some of the things professionals do to keep their hardwood flooring lustrous and smooth for years to come.... more

Why You Might Need a Water Softener

This expertly prepared buying guide will help you choose the best water softener to help solve your hard water problems.... more

How To Prepare Your Home For Harsh Winter Conditions

Home maintenance, especially before extreme weather, is a must. You need to make sure your home is ready for heavy snow and rainstorms before the winter, and it is able to keep you warm through snow blizzar... more

Proven Ways to Make Your Home More Comfortable

Here are some ways in which you can easily make your home a more comfortable, relaxing place.... more

Maintenance Tips For Your Area Rug

Here are some effective maintenance tips for your area rug to ensure that you keep it looking like new for a long time.... more

AC Not Working? Here’s What to Do

Many homeowners install air conditioning systems to mitigate the impacts of excessive heat during hot seasons. Here is what you can do if your AC is not working.... more

Interesting Craft Ideas and Their Know-Hows For Teenagers

Teenage is the time of life to explore, grow and unleash the creativity within oneself. With all the fancy devices in hand, teenagers have forgotten the fun and actual creativity with crafts. So, why not get th... more

How to Prepare Your Home for Winter – an Easy-to-Follow Guide

Securing your outdoor space is the most important part of getting your home ready for winter.... more

Brilliant Bedroom Decorating Ideas You Need to Check Out

To help out everyone whose bedroom is not up to scratch, here are some brilliant bedroom decorating ideas you need to check out.... more

4 Accessories That Will Upgrade Your Table Saw

If you have a table saw, but are wondering how to take your work to the next levethen the following ideas for accessories could help you out.... more

Ways to Prevent Future Plumbing Breakdowns

Here are four ways to prevent potential plumbing issues.... more

Reasons Why You May Need a Diesel Generator

Here are some of the reasons why you may need a diesel generator for home or (especially) for commercial use.... more

Game-Changing Solutions For Complex Car Repair Problems

Trends in the automotive industry could be the solution to modern-day car issues but some critics are suggesting otherwise. Here are some game-changing solutions for complex car repair problems. ... more

Why It Is Essential for Your AC to Work Optimally

Making your home comfortable to live in is essential if you want to improve your family’s quality of life, as well as your own.... more

How to Make Effective Use of a Torque Wrench

Here we discuss how to use the torque wrench effectively for budding DIYers to avoid disasters.... more

Your Kitchen Deserves a Makeover and Here’s How to Do It

A few simple changes here and there will help you be more satisfied with how your kitchen looks.... more

Tips For Weatherproofing Your Garage For Montana Winters

The garage can essentially be used as a perfect workspace throughout the year if it has been winterproofed well. Here are some of the tips that you can use to weatherproof it.... more

Hidden Problem Spots In Your Home That Need Urgent Repair Solutions

Here are some problem spots in a home that you’ll want to check for urgent repairs: ... more

Effective Practices That Will Keep Your AC System Last Longer

If you’re not familiar with things beyond turning the AC on and off, allow your eyes to be opened with these small changes you can make to prolong the life of your AC.... more

7 Glamorous Upgrades That Will Transform Your Conservatory

Having a conservatory in your home is one excellent way to add value, space, and light to your home. ... more

Gate Repair (Or Replace) Signs That You Need To Know

Whether you are a homeowner or business owner, installing a gate to limit the traffic to and from your property is a must.... more

Affordable Ways to Transform Your Bathroom

Here are some of the recommended, affordable ways you can transform your bathroom.... more

Tips for Making Your Home Feel Warm and Welcoming

Here are some of our favorite tips for making homes as warm and welcoming as they can be.... more

How to Clean Your Carpet Well

If you are tired of spending hours cleaning and vacuuming your rugs, try out the next few suggestions next time you try cleaning your carpet.... more

Why You Shouldn’t Skip on Fertilizing Your Lawn

There is nothing more eye-catching, attractive, and impressive than a healthy, well taken care of lawn. Lawn fertilization is essential in maintaining a healthy lawn.... more

End Of Tenancy: Can I Do The Cleaning Myself?

Here are the benefits of hiring a cleaning company to help clean out the property. ... more

6 Office Decorating Ideas That Will Inspire Creativity And Productivity

Here are 6 simple ideas to help make your working area healthier, happier, and definitely more productive. ... more

How to DIY an Entertainment Room for The Whole Family

An entertainment room allows everybody to enjoy their preferred activities right at home.... more

The Dangers of Mold in Your Property

Mold is a common problem that arises for all sorts of reasons, and once it starts to spread it can be difficult, stressful, and costly to get rid of.... more

How to Easily Personalize Your Home

Customizing your house to suit a beautiful home style doesn't need a big budget whether building a home for the first time or remodeling it.... more

Why You Need to Take Care of Your Air Conditioner

Whether you decide to employ an independent contractor to come in and service your air conditioner, or you do it yourself, it is important to maintain your air conditioner. ... more