Archive for the ‘Housing’ Category

City of Missoula Storm Updates

Clean-up from Monday’s thunderstorms continues throughout the City.  The City of Missoula would like to remind citizens of the following items: Power has been restored at Splash Montana waterpark. The fa... more

Missoula – A River Runs Through It

Missoula - a river does indeed run through it. In 1992, the Oscar-winning feature film A River Runs Through It brought notoriety to a town in the Pacific Northwest and the world was introduced to Missoula, Mon... more

This Baby Will Make Three

By CHERY SAYBOL- When Ellen Marceau has her third baby in November, it will be with the confidence of a mother who has already had two very different birthing experiences. ... more

Are you Testing Your Drinking Water?

Arsenic is fairly common in Montana’s groundwater--especially in mountainous areas where well water is affected. Are you testing your drinking water?... more

Missoula Police Emphasize Pedestrian Crossing Safety

The Missoula Police Department will conduct Pedestrian Crossing Emphasis Patrols beginning this week in an effort to enforce pedestrian crossing laws within the city limits. ... more

Junkpole Fence: Freaky Cheap Chicken/Deer Fence

By PAUL WHEATON - We needed a permanent fence that would keep flighty chickens (layers) in and keep the deer and the wild turkeys out. This fence went up mighty fast and cheap.... more

Preventing Conflicts with Bears

By JOLEEN TADEJ - Already this year, bears have traveled the river corridors – Sun, Marias, Dearborn and Teton – east from the Rocky Mountain Front looking for natural foods.... more

Installation of Ybarra’s Public Art Sculpture Underway at Silver Park

Construction of the new public art piece for Silver Park, George Ybarra’s sculpture “Perseverance and Passage,” has begun.... more

This Fourth of July, “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over

To crack down on drunk driving this Fourth of July, Missoula law enforcement will be out in full force, aggressively targeting those who put lives in danger. ... more

City Imposes Stage 1 Fire Reststrictions Bans All Fireworks

Fire Danger moved to EXTREME on Monday and Stage 1 fire restrictions have been imposed prohibiting use of fire or open flame, including campfires, smoking and the use of fireworks.... more

Leave Young Wildlife Where You Find Them

By TOM PALMER - Remember this advice if you see newborn wild animals: "If you care, leave them there." Do not move or attempt to feed newborn wildlife.... more

Emergency Notifications: Smart911 is Your Answer

By NICK HOLLOWAY - The Missoula Office of Emergency Management reminds us: May is National Wildfire Awareness month. Is your family’s ready should a wildfire threaten your property?... more

Quest for Land: My Advice for Permies and Homesteaders
Part 3 of 3

By PAUL WHEATON - I want to grow the future of permaculture. Not just with my ideas, but with 20 different artisans in seed and soil. Each permie would have their own vision for what is “best”.... more

Quest for Land: My Advice for Permies and Homesteaders Part 2 of 3

By PAUL WHEATON - When it came to picking a piece of land, I have a powerful bias. I just love Missoula, Montana. Someday I want to be able to say that I grow a lemon tree, outdoors, in Montana.... more

Is Your Family Ready For Wildfire Season?

By NICK HOLLOWAY - The Missoula Office of Emergency Management reminds us: May is National Wildfire Awareness month. Is your family’s ready should a wildfire threaten your property?... more

Downtown Flower Baskets Scheduled To Go Up May 14

By Tom Aldrich for the Missoula Downtown Association Missoula’s beloved Downtown Flower Baskets will be installed this Thursday, May 14 beginning at 5:30 p.m. A total of 98 baskets will be moved from Pink ... more

Quest for Land: My Advice for Permies and Homesteaders Part 1 of 3

By PAUL WHEATON -Decades ago I was obsessed with gardening and outgrew my urban lot. I needed more space. Not only for my horticultural endeavors, but I needed to expand into all sorts of animals.... more

Explore Downtown Missoula by Foot on a Historic Walking Tour

If you’re visiting Missoula and looking to explore the city a bit, the beautiful downtown area offers an array of locations rich in historical significance. The Missoula Downtown Association has a self-guided... more

Believe It, Spring is Here

By BRUCE AUCHLY - If your world collapses absent skiing, or snowmobiling, I’ll attend your pity party. That’s because spring is here, and the signs surround us. ... more

Should I Stay or Should I Go: Evacuations in Missoula County

By NICK HOLLOWAY - During an emergency or a disaster, your family may need to evacuate to a safe location. Take the time now to learn what to do to keep your family safe. ... more

National Ground Water Awareness Week March 8-14

National Groundwater Awareness Week is the week of March 8-14 and Kinetico of Montana just wants you to remember a few things about your groundwater and its importance in our lives.... more

“9-1-1 On Steroids” Can Save Your Life

The Missoula County Office of Emergency Management encourages Missoulians to sign up for new life-saving emergency response program.... more

Rocket Mass Heaters: The Absurdly Efficient, Cheap, and Comfortable Way to Heat Your Home

By PAUL WHEATON - So what’s the big deal? Well, Rocket Mass Heaters are one of the most sustainable and affordable heat sources in the world! ... more

The Dark Side of Native Plant Enthusiasm

By PAUL WHEATON - What’s wrong with native plants? The problem has nothing to do with advocating for native plants, but in advocating against all other plants – not just for oneself, but for all people.... more

Did you Just Should on Me?

By PAUL WHEATON - The word “should” is seriously embedded in our culture and habits. And I think it is possible that it may have slightly different meanings for different people. ... more

Infecting Brains with Permaculture 52 Cards at a Time

By PAUL WHEATON - When I give gifts, rather than giving people stuff that they might like, I tend to give them things that I like them to have. Check out this gift idea:... more

Capitalism, Gift Economy, and Prices That Are Too Damn High

By PAUL WHEATON - My feeble understanding of capitalism is that I can work super hard for a year, save up all my money and then live without working for several years.... more

The Benefits of a Water Softener

Hard water can make you spend more on repairs, maintenance and energy. Did you know A water softener can improve your skin, make your clothes and appliances last longer, and soft water heats quicker.... more

City of Missoula Announces: Leaf Collection Starts Tues., Nov. 4

The City of Missoula will begin fall leaf pickup on Tuesday, Nov. 4, starting in the downtown Special District #1. See your neighborhood leaf collection schedule here.... more

Missoula Housing Market Continues Steady Recovery

By EVA DUNN-FROEBIG - Low inventory, higher interest rates and a harsh winter have contributed to fewer home sales and a higher median sold price in Missoula this year compared to last year.... more

Testing the Waters–Ensuring the Water You Drink is Healthy

Hard water is the leading water problem in America and, and Missoula and Western Montana are no exception. Here are few things to know about hard water and what to do about it:... more

Hops Ranch Soon to Provide Fresh Beer to the Flathead

By TRISTAN SCOTT - What began as a 1-acre research project, sponsored by the Montana Department of Agriculture and two local breweries – has entered its second season and is now producing hops.... more

Hard Water Problems in Missoula

Hard water is the leading water problem in America and, and Missoula and Western Montana are no exception. Here are few things to know about hard water and what to do about it:... more

Bee Huts

By PAUL WHEATON-I’ve heard that by adding a roof to protect your bee hives, you can increase honey production by as much as four or five fold. The secret: The happiness of the bee matters!... more

Wayne and Kathleen Newton Set Up Shop in Lakeside

By JUSTIN FRANZ-Kat’s Korner is one of several new shops and restaurants that have popped up in the small community of Lakeside and Wayne Newton, 72, said it’s no surprise the town is growing.... more

Missoula’s Annual Chip Seal Program Begins

City of Missoula Street Division crews begin applying oil and chips to city streets on Monday, July 28, in the City’s annual Chip Seal Street Maintenance Program. Missoula annually seals the surface of ab... more

Flies Really Bite. Are they Bugging the Cows?

By PAUL WHEATON-Biting flies can sure make life miserable for cattle, horses and even people! Big or small, those insects can inflict painful sores. Here are a few solutions for getting rid of biting flies:... more

Families Invited to play All-Abilities Baseball at McCormick Park

Missoula Parks & Rec is teaming up with the All-Abilities Playground Project to host free baseball games for people with and without disabilities on 7/19 and 8/2.... more

20 Tips for Staying Cool and Saving Money in the Summer

By PAUL WHEATON-It’s hot! So it is perfect timing to talk about how to stay cool on the cheap – both long term and short term. Here are 20 tips on staying cool this summer and saving money too.... more

Vote With Your Fork

By KRISTEN LEE-CHARLSON - One of our very core rights as human beings is challenged in this country on a daily basis. That is the freedom to choose the food(s) that we wish to raise, buy and consume.... more

How to Eat Local & Stay Healthy

By KRISTEN LEE-CHARLSON -Eating local means contributing to the local economy. A dollar spent locally generates twice as much income for the local economy. When businesses are not owned locally, money leaves th... more

City of Missoula Serious About Fireworks Enforcement

The use of most fireworks in the city of Missoula is illegal, and City leaders are serious about enforcement.... more

Frugal Foodie: Intentional Leftovers

By KRISTEN LEE-CHARLSON - In times of economic struggles, often people cut their food budget, sacrificing the pleasure and fulfillment of true nourishment. But you don't have to.... more

Keen on Mason Bees

By PAUL WHEATON-And now boys and girls, it is time for Uncle Paul to tell you about the birds and the bees. Or, more accurately, the flowers and the bees. And, even more accurately: Flower sex.... more

Edible Weeds–If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Eat ‘Em!

By KRISTEN LEE-CHARLSON - Fields of the pretty yellow flowers in the lawn; are they really so bad? Dandelion leaves, flowers, stems and roots are all edible if you have an organic yard!... more

Sheep Grazing on City Open Space, Pet Owners Asked to Help Protect Herd

By BECKY GOODRICH-Missoula Parks and Recreation is asking dog owners to watch for sheep grazing on City open space, and leash their pets when hiking near the herd. ... more

Reversing Desertification

By PAUL WHEATON - Man-made desertification impacts climate change more than the burning of all fossil fuels. This includes contributions to greenhouse gasses, and overall warming.... more

Downtown Flower Baskets Scheduled For Hanging May 20

Missoula’s beloved Downtown Flower Baskets are scheduled to go up on Tuesday, May 20 beginning at 5:30 pm. Volunteers will place the baskets created by Pink Grizzly.... more

Passive Annual Heat Storage

By PAUL WHEATON -When heating or cooling a home can a comfortable temperature be obtained year round with far less energy use? Can we get it down to a tenth of the national average?... more

Apple Trees from Seed

By PAUL WHEATON -There is this story going around that if you try and grow apples from seed, then there is only a 1 in 20,000 chance that you’ll have an edible apple. ... more