Serverless Computing: Is It Really Secure?

Serverless architecture has become a hot topic within the world of cybersecurity. It is growing rapidly, and few people know that it even exists. It offers many advantages compared to traditional cloud and server computing. But since this technology is rather new, there are still a lot of unknowns and risks that come with deploying it.

What Is Serverless Computing and How Does It Work?

Serverless computing is an emerging technology that has the potential of making everything much less complicated. This type of adaptation is growing at a rapid pace. But it’s new and unexplored. So many cybersecurity teams have issues with understanding new security risks that come with it.

By implementing serverless computing, the company has to secure the application layer. It’s responsible for:

  • Monitoring access to data and applications
  • Managing access to data and applications
  • Enforcing proper application behavior
  • Monitoring security incidents
  • Monitoring errors

Serverless computing is a way of providing backend services on an as-used basis. By using it, customers and companies can deploy code without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.

Here are some of the benefits of using serverless computing:

  • It’s more cost-effective. When it comes to serverless computing, customers pay only as much as they use. Traditional cloud services can be more expensive because users have to pay for unused space and idle CPU time.
  • It makes scalability much simpler. Developers don’t need to worry about creating policies to scale their code. The serverless service provider takes care of all the scaling.
  • It has a quicker turnaround time. It takes much less time to market because developers only need to change and add code on a piecemeal basis.
  • It uses a simplified backend code. This type of computing uses FaaS, which enables the developers to create simple independent functions.

Everyone should still consider the potential downsides that come with using serverless computing:

  • Architectural difficulty
  • Not enough operational tools
  • Difficult integration testing
  • New security concerns
  • Not cost-effective for long-running processes
  • Worse performance

Emerging Threats and Security Risks

Serverless system architecture is complicated. It makes things much more difficult in regards to security measures. These are the most common risks:

Issues with Storage

The systems are complicated, and often need scaling. It can lead to more strict storage requirements that should maintain critical data with ease. Moreover, employees and other users can access these essential files. So, it is imperative to limit access and have more control over who accesses, sends, and uses such data.

Flow Manipulation

The execution flow manipulation can occur when various functions are divided into smaller parts and need different software solutions to operate. If the application isn’t set up correctly, interlinked services might invoke two tasks at the same time by using only one trigger.


Because serverless computing is so new, some configuration issues may arise. Misconfiguration can become a severe problem and can cause a lot of damage, such as file and data loss or similar devastating events.

Complex Authentication

It would be beneficial to put in place different robust authentication systems to ensure maximum security. But the setup process of each authentication method can be exhaustive and complicated.

Function Event Data Injection

If any untrusted input passes into the system, it poses a huge security risk on program execution. This is especially the case when many sources of events trigger the action.

Best Practices for Serverless Computing

If you decide to implement serverless computing within your digital infrastructure, make sure to check out recommendations to ensure the maximum level of security.

Frequent Testing

The deployment process is complicated enough, so the testing phase can remain in the background. It is dangerous, though. You should always test your systems as often as possible. This way, you can detect any flaws ahead of time and ensure that everything is working as it should.

Taking Care of Credentials and Secrets

Always use a virtual private network (VPN) when logging in. It encrypts your connections and masks your IP address (more on how to hide my IP here).  It is also recommended to use temporary or encrypted credentials. There are many different tools for that, such as 2FA, password managers, key management service, or biometrics. Always make sure to look for companies that use zero-knowledge encryption. That way, the service provider knows nothing about the data you store.

Continuous Integration

You can automatize the distribution of new code. It ensures the continuous updates of all deployment and integration cycles. Automating these processes leaves less room for error and manual interference. It is also suitable for code testing, scanning, and analyzing.

The Bottom Line

Even though serverless computing has a lot of benefits, users still need to be careful when implementing it. Because this technology is so new and unexplored, it comes with its own set of risks and security issues. However, if you approach the matter diligently, it could help your company reach its full potential. Follow the best practices, keep up with the latest trends, and you should be good-to-go.