A Guide to Buying Lawnmowers Online

The internet has made life easier in more ways than can be mentioned in this space. When it comes to lawncare, you can choose all of the best tools with just a few clicks and have them delivered right to your door in no time. The key is to approach buying something like a lawnmower with as much information as possible.

You can even buy Husqvarna mowers online, choosing from different models and adding features as you see fit. If you want to have the best looking yard in the neighborhood, then you need to have a mower that can handle the demand. Use this guide and make your online mower buying experience a better one.

Adjustable Height

There are many features to consider when it comes to buying a lawnmower online. It is critical that you find a mower that comes with an adjustable height feature. Grass sometimes grows unevenly and not being able to make adjustments can mean cutting some spots too high or too low.

Look at different mowers and focus on the ones that have adjustable heights. You can play around with these adjustments in your yard to find out which provides the best and most consistent look. You can even lower it to try providing a closer cut that will give you a little more time between mows.

Electric Start or Pull Rope?

Classic lawnmowers come with a pull rope and the process can feel tricky. You have to prime the mower, grab the rope, and yank it back to get the engine started. Have a mower for long enough and it may take a few good pulls before your mower will get going.

On the flip side, there are electric starts. Instead of pulling a rope to generate the spark needed to ignite the engine, you push a button that ignites a pilot light similar to a water heater. It can be a lot less effort to push the button rather than having to yank the rope, but you’ll probably have to spend $100 or more to get that feature on a mower you are interested in.


If you find yourself collecting clippings on a fairly regular basis, it can be a huge pain to stop because the mower will turn off. That is why it can be beneficial to find a mower that offers a blade override system (BOS) or blade brake clutch (BOC).

Rather than having to restart your mower every time you need to clear an obstruction, the motor will continue to idle. It will save you a ton of time and frustration, but it can be costly. Like moving to an electric start, you can expect to pay about $100 more for this feature compared to mowers that don’t have it.

Cut Width

This can be an easy feature to look past but try to catch it. Cut width tells you how wide of a strip you will cut on each pass. The difference is typically the matter of a few inches. That might not sound like all that much, but it will definitely make a difference depending on the size of your yard.

For smaller properties, you can get away with a mower that has the smallest cut width. The larger the space, the more those inches matter. Check out the cut width and think about how that might impact how long it takes for you to do the job. Picking the largest width can wind up saving you several minutes each time out, equating to hours upon hours of time saved.