The Effects of Climate and Environment on Marijuana Seed Growth

Many factors determine a crop’s success. Climate, however, plays a dominant role in a plant’s growth. Understanding how climate affects cannabis plants is crucial to an abundant harvest. How does it impact each stage of development?

Seed Growth

Moisture, warmth, and light determine whether a plant grows, thrives, or withers away before developing a robust root system. From the moment the plant emerges from its seed, it needs these things to develop. The grower must alter unfavorable environmental conditions for a good outcome. Keep this in mind if you’re shopping for marijuana seeds


Plants need water throughout their life cycle. Humidity is also important to plants, as it helps regulate a seed’s moisture intake. If there is too much moisture, the plant may die. Too little, and it won’t sprout. If it does manage to grow, it won’t be healthy. 


Nobody wants to learn that an early or late frost has destroyed their crop. Growers must watch the temperature to prevent this destruction. Temperature fluctuations can impact seed germination and many other plant development stages, so growers must monitor the thermostat and adjust when needed. Cannabis plants typically require a temperature between 70 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit to germinate. 


Plants also need light to grow. Photosynthesis cannot occur without light, and the plant’s growth pattern will be altered. However, growers must also know how much light each plant needs. Many cannabis seeds require equal amounts of light and darkness to move from one stage of development to the next. Autoflowering seeds, however, aren’t reliant on the light cycle to move between these stages. 


The soil must provide the nutrients cannabis plants need to grow. Thankfully, the soil is one of the most straightforward environmental factors to adjust. Choose a product that improves the soil composition and makes it more favorable to cannabis for a healthy and abundant harvest. Plant seeds in well-draining, nutrient-rich soil to ensure plants have the correct amount of water and nutrients while minimizing the risk of diseases. 

Air Quality

Air quality is often overlooked when discussing environmental conditions that can impact cannabis plants. Poor air quality, however, can affect the respiratory health of the plants; thus, it must be considered. Cannabis plants need fresh, clean air just as humans do. High humidity levels, fluctuating temperatures, and excessive carbon dioxide in the air can all harm the plants. 


Growers often move their crops indoors to gain better control over the growing conditions. They can create the ideal environment for cannabis plants to thrive. However, since it isn’t possible to control Mother Nature, indoor setups remain the best option for most growers today. Climate-controlled grow rooms remain popular with many. However, if crops must be grown outdoors, look into greenhouses, irrigation systems, and other tools that help growers provide plants with what they need to thrive. 

In addition, growers need to look into eco-friendly cannabis cultivation. Drip systems ensure plants have the water they need to grow without wasting this precious resource. Renewable energy reduces the grower’s environmental impact, and many materials today are eco-friendly. Growers should opt for these materials whenever possible. Natural pest control is another way to protect plants from harm without increasing the grower’s carbon footprint. 

Every grower must understand the effect of environmental conditions on cannabis plants. With this information, they can alter the climate to produce healthy plants and have an abundant harvest to enjoy.