Birdwatching in Montana

Montana is a fantastic state that has a vast territory and a relatively small population. These two factors make it one of the best places for birdwatching in the United States. Walking through numerous protected parks and reserves, you will encounter many species of birds and get the maximum pleasure from communicating with wildlife.

Features of birdwatching in Montana

Montana is often called the Treasure State because it is the largest producer of gold and silver in the country. However, this nickname is also relevant to wildlife. The latter is considered a real treasure of the state and is carefully protected at all levels. The abundance of natural locations and the diversity of ecosystems have turned Montana into an excellent place for birdwatching. There are many species of birds here, including scarce birds.

When birdwatching in Montana, you must never forget the diversity of climatic conditions in its different parts. This is due to the unevenness of the relief and the peculiarities of the state’s geographic location. Therefore, before going on your trip, you need to study the nuances of the weather in a particular place. The following important feature of birdwatching in Montana is that most locations suitable for this activity are protected natural areas. In this regard, a special permit will be required to access some of these places.

Montana has many birds, both during the day and at night. To observe them, you will need to use various night vision devices. They will improve visibility in the dark and allow you to enjoy the beauty of unique birds. Also, during daytime or nighttime birdwatching, lovers of this activity will need protective equipment, medications, a camera for shooting rare species and a standard set of items that all travelers use without exception.

Best birdwatching spots

There are dozens of places in Montana where you can watch birds. They are evenly distributed throughout the state, so you won’t have to look for a suitable location for a long time. Medicine Lake National Wildlife Refuge is one of the most popular places among birdwatching enthusiasts. It is located 35 miles from the Canadian border and in the state’s northeast. Here, all visitors will find a variety of landscapes and ecosystems, thanks to which you can meet a wide variety of birds in the reserve. The territory of Medicine Lake has the most significant number of waterfowl species. They settle on the shores of the lake, which gave the name to this natural object and near numerous wetlands. There are also many birds of prey in the reserve.

The next good place for birdwatching is Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge. This protected area is the most visited in Montana. It is home to a record number of animals and birds, which every nature lover should see with their own eyes. Wetlands are ideal for birdwatching in Lee Metcalf. Many broad meadows and small forest areas are also on the reserve’s territory. According to rough estimates, about 250 species of birds live in these places, most of which are pretty easy to see.

The object called Freezeout Lake Wildlife Management Area will also be an excellent location for birdwatching enthusiasts. Most of its territory is occupied by swamps, which are abundant in food for waterfowl. They are found here in great numbers. The tangible feathered symbol of these places is the goose. Its different species gather in large flocks, creating a wonderful sight for the observer. In addition to swamps, Freezeout Lake has meadows and forests. You can find numerous traditional species and rare birds from the USA in these places.

In the northeast of the state, there is Bowdoin National Wildlife Refuge. This place is unique in its hilly landscape, which periodically gives way to flat areas. A huge number of birds live here, including endangered species. In Bowdoin, you can watch birds 24 hours a day. This is because there are many nocturnal species that are no less beautiful than the birds that lead a diurnal lifestyle.

Glacier National Park is also worthy of attention for birdwatching enthusiasts. It is considered one of the most famous in America and is regularly visited by visitors from different states. The park has high mountains, clear lakes, deciduous and coniferous forests, and meadows. Such diversity creates ideal conditions for the habitation of many bird species. Here, you can see several large predators, small birds, such as the calliope hummingbird, and many more common species.

Birds to see in Montana

Montana is often called a paradise by birdwatching enthusiasts. Hundreds of bird species can be found in different parts of the state, each worthy of attention. At the same time, several birds in Montana are charming and exciting to watch. The American Robin is one of them. These tiny birds with bright orange plumage on their chests are active and have a great-sounding song. To watch the American Robin, you must find open areas and places with many insects (the bird’s primary food). This species also likes to eat berries so that you can meet its representatives in the thickets of the corresponding bush.

The most famous predator in Montana is the Bald Eagle. This bird is huge in size, with a characteristic white head and brown plumage on the rest of the body. The Bald Eagle feeds mainly on carrion and has lived for almost 40 years. You should look for these beautiful birds near various bodies of water, where they can always find enough food.

Every birdwatching enthusiast who comes to Montana dreams of seeing a Black-Capped Chickadee with their own eyes. This species is quite common, so the chances of making your dream come true are high. It is best to look for a small bird with a large head and the ability to make loud sounds in places where it has no problems with food (insects, seeds, berries, etc.). Most often, Black-Capped Chickadees are not very afraid of people so that you can watch them from a very close distance.

The next bird you must see in Montana is the Brown-Headed Cowbird. This type of thrush stands out from other birds with its dark brown plumage on its head. Thanks to it, you can notice the Brown-Headed Cowbird from a long distance, even without good binoculars or other optics. You should look for these birds in fields and meadows, which are abundant in all parts of Montana. Most often, they follow herds of livestock or wild ungulates. If, for some reason, you overlook the Brown-Headed Cowbird, then their unusual singing will not escape your ears.

Another species that interests all birdwatching enthusiasts is the Dark-Eyed Junco. This bird is found in many countries of North America, but it is in Montana that it has one of the largest populations. The Dark-Eyed Junco stands out with its gray or brown color and white tail. Finding this bird is much more complex than it initially seems. To do this, you must go to forests and look for places with many trees or bushes growing nearby. Their seeds and fruits are food for the Dark-Eyed Junco, so the birds do not fly far from them.

Almost every state in the United States is suitable for birdwatching. Despite this, many fans of this activity come to Montana. It attracts attention with its large number of natural locations where you can meet truly rare birds. Watching them will be a real reward for the traveler and will give him many positive emotions.