Photo by Vladimir Kudinov from Pexels
The snow-capped peaks of the Rockies are an appealing place to take your dog, but there are some things you should consider. How much hiking will you be doing? Will you be close to veterinary care? Are there any dangers associated with mountains that could put your pet in harm’s way? Taking your dog on a trip can be fun and rewarding but make sure you’ve considered the following five points to ensure your dog’s safety while in the mountains with you.
1. Dog Clothing
If you’re going to take your dog hiking with you, it’s important to plan. Take a look at some backpacking blogs and other sources of information on what dog gear is available so that you can be sure your furry friend has everything he needs for his trip. Get some cool dog clothing for your furry friend so that you can capture moments from your trip. If necessary, invest in sturdy dog boots-many trails in forests or mountains have sharp sticks and rocks that can do severe damage if they get stepped on.

Photo by Erik Mclean from Pexels
Even if they don’t seem inclined, you may also want to give your dog a harness and a collar. If he ever tugs or pulls on his leash while walking, which can be common in areas with lots of distractions, the harness will prevent him from choking himself and possibly injuring his tracheal or esophageal tract. Remember to pack water, food and leashes-and consider bringing a first aid kit as well.
Also, remember to carry garbage bags; these little bags can come in handy when packing up food, dirty dog clothing, or anything else wet after leaving it outside during bad weather. You’ll never regret having an extra set of hands around! For more information on what supplies are best for dogs who go hiking (or any outdoor activity), check out a professional pet store; many carry special items suited specifically towards outdoor activities such as camping or skiing.
2. Check the Weather
Conditions in mountain ranges can change drastically and quickly. While you may have a clear forecast for your destination when you depart, a sudden storm could make travel impossible once you’re there. Check current weather conditions before heading out to know what you’re getting into, and if you feel you can’t take your dog because of the weather there are programs with dog boarding as well, you could check this out to find these services.
You may even want to ask park rangers or other locals if conditions are expected to change. If your dog is particularly timid or scared of thunder, plan for alternate activities in case of rain or extreme cold – the last thing anyone wants is for your pup to suffer because of bad weather. Also, be aware of altitude sickness.
Just as it impacts humans, high altitudes can be detrimental to dogs; check with your vet about how they deal with altitude sickness before planning excursions up mountains. There are also special foods containing vitamins and minerals that help combat the effects of elevation changes in dogs.

Photo by Daniel Frank from Pexels
3. Dog Accessories
Do you need special dog accessories or training in order to bring your dog with you? Do some research and determine what needs to be done in order for both of you to have a fun time. You’ll find everything from tents and crates to kennels, food, and toys that will make traveling easier. For those times when containment is necessary, dogs cages provide a safe and comfortable space for your pets, giving you peace of mind when you’re unable to keep a close eye on them. And if it doesn’t turn out quite right on your first trip together, don’t give up! The more times you travel with your pet, the better experience it will be for both of you.
There is a lot of helpful information online that can get you started – like tips for traveling with pets – so do some research before taking a trip. Remember that dogs are pack animals so even when they are away from home, many dogs still want companionship and love being around their owners. Even though we understand that sometimes there are places where dogs aren’t allowed, ensure your destination has places where your pup can enjoy himself too.

Photo by Blue Bird from Pexels
Dogs like to run free and frolic just as much as humans do, so remember to take them somewhere safe where they can splash around too! Always remember to keep an eye on them while they play because their swimming ability is less than ours (they tend to sink). Ensure everyone washes up well after splashing around in any natural water (including lakes) because they could be harboring parasites/microbes which won’t bother them but could harm humans upon ingestion.
4. Pack Supplies
Mountain hikes are fun, but they can be long and strenuous. Make sure you’re packing enough supplies for you and your dog (who will be carrying his pack). Fido is at higher risk of dehydration than humans, so bring more water for him. Also, think about extra treats and dog bandages in case of an injury.
Don’t forget to keep some waste bags handy; dogs may roam freely on most trails, but not all parks allow them on public land. At a minimum, dogs must always stay leashed when outside designated dog parks. If there isn’t a public park nearby, or you want to take your dog on a longer adventure, consider using pet services or boarding facilities that allow dogs so he doesn’t have to go home early or miss out completely!
5. Have a Plan in Case of Emergency
No matter how fit your dog is, he can’t climb over a 3,000-foot ravine if he falls into one. Ensure you know what to do in case of an emergency and always carry extra water for him. If you’re going off-trail, give yourself extra time so that if anything happens, you’ll have more daylight and more water to deal with it.

Photo by Roger Brown from Pexels
Don’t forget that if your dog gets lost or hurt while in the mountains, you will be on your own; cell service might not be available where you are hiking, so keep communication channels open with people at home using tools like Textfree and WhatsApp.
Final Thoughts
Ultimately, your dog will have a blast on a mountain trip, but it’s always important to keep his safety in mind. Take some time when planning your trip to figure out how you can ensure both you and your pup have a fun and safe time. Just because he’s along for an adventure doesn’t mean you have to put yourself or him at risk. Happy hiking!