Top Tips to Properly Look After Your Guinea Pig Pet

No matter if you live in Missoula, Colorado or Warrensburg, Missouri, Guinea pigs are one of the most popular pets in the United States. Unlike dogs and cats, they are easier to look after and won’t cost a fortune to cater to their needs. They are also quite entertaining and you can even learn how to potty train a Guinea pig, given you have enough spare time and patience.

However, in order to help your pet live a long, happy, healthy, and active life, here are some tips you should follow.

Housing and bedding

Guinea pigs are the biggest rodents and they require more space to stretch their paws and run than other small animals like gerbils or mice. Thus, make sure to buy an appropriate cage, preferably a two-floor item that is filled with toys and accessories to keep your pet active and busy throughout the day.

Keep in mind that adult Guinea pigs also need a lot of exercising outside their hutch or cage so you should be able to offer them at least half an hour of freedom daily.

When it comes to bedding, wood shavings or straw are suitable choices because they absorb all unpleasant smells and keep your pet dry and clean throughout the day. Depending on how many individuals you keep in the same cage or how big your pet is, consider changing the bedding every other day.

Ideally, hutches and cages should be thoroughly cleaned at least once a week during the summertime to prevent bacteria from forming and causing health problems.


Guinea pigs enjoy a vegetarian diet, based on hay, grass, and fresh fruits and veggies. They need the fibers from grass and hay to keep their digestive systems healthy and prevent teeth from overgrowing. Keep in mind that these animals cannot produce their own Vitamin C so they will need supplements to maintain a healthy and complete diet.

You may be inclined to think that pellets or dry food that is usually sold at your local pet shop will make a smart choice for all rodents, whether we’re talking about Guinea pigs, chinchillas or even rabbits (that don’t technically fall into the rodents category). However, you should only purchase special food mixes for Guinea pigs as these furry animals have different dietary needs than other animals.

Apart from Vitamin C, they also need high levels of Vitamin A, antioxidants, and minerals. You can complete their diet with fresh fruits and veggies that should be served on a regular basis. Kale, broccoli, lettuce, and other greens are great sources of vitamins, fibers, and proteins, that will keep your pet strong and healthy.

Sweet treats like fruits should be provided once in a while because they may cause diarrhea, digestive problems, and lead to overweight and obesity.


Similar to most other rodents, Guinea pigs have a tendency of living sedentary lifestyles which can easily lead to overweight and obesity problems. In order to keep your pet active, make sure its cage features at least one exercising wheel.

Allowing your pet to wander freely around the room, run, jump, and stretch its paws also reduces the risk of health problems while it strengthens the bond you two have.


You won’t have to invest too much money in grooming and hygiene products for these animals as they prefer to clean themselves and others as a social activity. However, you may want to look after your pet’s hair, clip its claws, and look after its dental hygiene to prevent further health problems and regular visits to the vet.