The last year has flown, as all the years seem to fly. I know my kids get very annoyed at the time I spend on Facebook but I love being visually reminded of what I was doing 8 years ago because I DON’T REMEMBER. What I do remember is that I have spent the last 63 years packing in work, experiences, travel, new people, dogs, children, family, ranch, garden, books, news, diets and logged a lot of computer time.
This is a new time in my life. I have been writing my Handbook on Aging. Given that we don’t know the number of days left, the temptation for me was to double time. I have decided that is not wise for me. I have new measures, new goals and work every day on living in this day.
There is truth to the saying that those who live in the past are depressed, those who live in the future are anxious but those that live in the moment are happy. It‘s not easy. I have spent the last 12 years as an angel investor thinking about what’s next. I have given that up to someone younger, more technically astute and with a passion to make it better.
Retirement holds no interest for me or for Jon, my life partner. I have worked through my anxiety about not being as smart, fast, efficient and relevant as I once was and I’m over it. Last night we went to the Hellgate Venture Network Christmas Party (thanks Paul for hosting) and we were the oldest couple there. I DON’T CARE. It makes me happy to see the good things that are emerging from new ideas, new people and new friendships.
My first priority is health and let’s hope I don’t end up like this but the reality is, many of us will. Don’t let it take you by surprise. I weigh every morning and do yoga and stretch. I sleep. My writing time in my working years was from 5-6am. That’s REM sleep time now! This year has brought a lot physical changes in our family near and far. Dementia and physical pain change people: the way they reason and how they interact with others. And then the birth of another grandchild: new life, new hope, new love, new possibility, total joy.
Really using our minds and hearts to assess every day what matters is work. It’s work worth doing. Regret is a poor attribute. I don’t want to regret not having made this season of life the best it can be.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Days of Wonder

My life partner, Jon Marchi and me.
Liz Marchi lives on a ranch in Polson, Montana with her husband Jon. She is the Fund Coordinator for the Frontier Angel Fund and spends a lot of time thinking and learning about entrepreneurs, the economy and Montana’s unique place in the world. She has three daughters and a stepson and daughter and a grandchild. She graduated from Hollins College and is entering the final quarter of life…unless we go into overtime.