A thunder storm with high wind passed through Missoula this evening at about 6:30pm, knocking down power lines and trees, disrupting power to residences and blocking streets. Due to power outages at intersections and other traffic issues the Missoula Police Department has requested that people go out for emergency travel only.
Van Buren St. is impassable north of the Interstate due to a downed tree. Rattlesnake neighborhoods can be reached via Greenough Dr., and Lolo St. Power lines are down in the upper neighborhoods of the Rattlesnake Valley.
A major electrical line is down in Linda Vista between the 4800 blocks of Scott Allen and Christian Dr. The line is not charged at this time but is laying across trees and lawns in the area.
Generally, there are a large number of trees, power lines, and light poles either down or damaged. A number of streets are impassable due to the damage, however these areas have been temporarily secured, but more permanent precautions are being taken where needed. We’ve also been notified of a number of homes damaged due to downed trees, and have responded to several reported gas leaks in various areas.
The Missoula Office of Emergency Management and American Red Cross have set up an emergency shelter at Christ the King Catholic Church located at 1400 Gerald for anyone displaced from their homes, or who has an emergency need for electrical power.

Ten pine trees are toppled in the Target Range area. Photo by Carol Fleharty.