Missoula Big Sky High School seniors organize run and live music event to raise money for school drama department
A 5K Run for the Arts and Live Music Event has been organized by Mackenzie Miewald and Julia Dobie for their senior projects.

Big Sky High School seniors, Mackenzie Miewald and Julia Dobie are organizing the race for their senior project.
The 5k run will start at the Fort Missoula Sports Complex at 9am on March 8th. Immediately following the run, an event will be held at the Big Sky High School Soccer Fields where prizes will be awarded and local musicians will perform.
This awesome event will be free for all race participants–who are encouraged to attend. Non-participants who wish to attend the after event and concert will be charged only $5 for entry!
All proceeds from the run and event will be donated to the Big Sky High School Drama Department.
Registration is now open to the public at The Runners Edge or Gatewest Property Management. Registration is only $20 for an individual or $75 for a family of 5 until February 17th. After 2/17 the cost for an individual will be $25.
All participants registered before February 17th are guaranteed a shirt on race day with original artwork by local artist Dan DeGrandpre.
The hope is that this run will become an annual event to raise money for youth art programs in Missoula while promoting a healthy lifestyle. Thank you to the sponsors who are making this event possible!
Find more race and event info at: www.facebook.com/runforthearts5k