This Sunday is Father’s Day. Oh, you forgot. That’s okay. Being a father is only the most sacrificial role a man can have and one he takes on with great pride, fortitude and love. It’s one filled with ups and downs – primarily when he’s flying his kid around like Superman. And it’s one that offers surprises around every corner – mostly when playing “Hide and Seek.”
In half-seriousness though, I love Father’s Day. I know I’ll get a hand-drawn card from my young daughter, and I know I can watch ESPN all day without fear of having the channel changed when I go to the bathroom. I’ll also get to pop a bottle of my favorite beer from the cellar. Yes, it will be a good day indeed.
Perhaps you have now realized the importance of this day for the fathers in your life (your own and your child’s), and you need to get him something as a token of your appreciation. If the man you are recognizing is anything like me, a gift that honors his devotion to the art of imbibing is warranted. So below I’ve crafted a short list of gift ideas you can find here in Missoula before Sunday. (Disclaimer: Actually this is a list of things I personally want, but it has the same effect.)
OXO Cocktail Shaker – Let your man shake things up and serve them to you with this stainless steel cocktail shaker. Available locally at Red Rooster Trading (333 N. Higgins) for $33.
- Flask – Sometimes guys need to leave the house, so it’s imperative they have a stylish vessel for toting their whiskey. Lots to choose from at Rockin’ Rudy’s (237 Blaine). Prices vary by size and style.
- Beer Gear – Let your man declare his love for beer and his favorite brewery with some “beer gear” from any of Missoula’s local breweries or brew pubs. This includes hats, t-shirts, pint glasses and growlers (filled of course!).
- GSI Glacier Stainless Stemless Wine Glass – Perfect for the weekend camping trip or afternoon picnic at the park. This stemless glass is designed to prevent accidental tipping (as if any man would be so clumsy). Available at REI-Missoula (3275 N. Reserve St.) for $10.
Bottles of Wine – Missoula has a small handful of great wineries, including Lolo Peak Winery, Ten Spoon and the newest, Missoula Winery and Events Center (which has a special deal going on through Father’s Day weekend from Seize the Deal for 50% off two bottles and two glasses of wine!). Prices of wine vary.
- BYOB – Equip your father with all the gear he needs to spend countless hours in the basement brewing his own beer, and he’ll think you did it because you love him. Both Chapman Home Brew (2506 Mount) and the Green Light (128 West Alder) have what you need ($50 – $75 for a quality starter kit).
Imbibe Magazine – What guy wouldn’t want to read all the latest about the liquid culture while on his throne? This bi-monthly slick covers everything from beer, coffee, and mixed drinks, as well as how to make them and where to buy them ($20 for six issues). It’s my new favorite read!
So Happy Father’s Day to all the fellow Dads out there! We deserve a drink. What will you be serving yourself?
Like this Drink It blog? Chances are you’ll like these blogs by Missoula’s Drink It expert, Ryan Newhouse: Caffe Dolce, Tamarack Brewing Company, Montana Whiskey and Vodka. And check out our Missoula Restaurants and Dining and Missoula Nightlife sections.
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Ryan Newhouse has lived in Missoula since 2002 and has tipped his glass in most of the town’s establishments. He is a full-time writer, husband and parent (in no particular order) and a part-time zymurgist. He makes a mean hard cider and pairs his cocktails with dishes from his blog, Cooked Animals: Recipes for Wild Game.