May is National Bike Month


Missoula kicked off May with an exciting Bike Walk Bus Week, but many are keeping their wheels turning in honor of National Bike Month. And with all the recent sunny weather we’ve been having, there are no excuses for not keeping those pedals moving.

Although the “Pedal vs. Medal Challenge” is over (yes, cyclists won, again – on a tandem bicycle no less!) and all the morning breakfast treats and cups of coffee have been claimed, Missoula still has a fine lineup of worthy cycling events left in May.

Next Wednesday (May 18) is the 5th annual Missoula Ride of Silence, hosted by the Bike Walk Alliance for Missoula (BWAM). The 7-mile ride will commence at the Missoula County Courthouse at 7:00 p.m. and will commemorate and acknowledge those cyclists who have been injured or killed in a crash with a motor vehicle. The ride is family-friendly and cyclists do ride in silence.

For the rest of May, Liquid Planet is selling a limited espresso drink called “Velo Valencia,” an orange-inspired chocolate mocha. The drinks are available at all Liquid Planet locations and $.50 from each drink sold during National Bike Month will be donated to BWAM.

And toward the end of the month, the 41st Tour of the Swan River Valley (TOSRV) will take place over May 21-22. This double-century ride is fantastically supported by Missoulians on Bicycles (MOBI), and this is a ride not to be missed! Check out more details here.

So how many of you have not stopped riding since Bike Walk Bus Week? Is the weather helping?


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Ryan Newhouse has pedaled through thousands of miles of Missoula’s streets and trails as a commuter, long-distance cyclist, recreationist and former city bicycling ambassador. Although he now works from home, he still uses two feet or two wheels to push or pull himself and his daughter around town.  Back to “Bike It” home page or check out Ryan’s own blog.